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Cougar Connection March 2025

Posted Date: 3/08/25 (:41 AM)

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Cougar Connection
Columbia Elementary March 2025 News
In This Edition:
From the Principal
smiling man in plaid shirt
Dear Columbia Families,

Columbia Elementary is fortunate to enjoy the benefits of an active and supportive PTA. I have worked at many schools, and I know that Columbia has a strong PTA with a broad base of volunteers. At many schools, only a handful of parents organize and plan everything, but at Columbia many parents share the load in serving the school community. 

Thank you so much to our PTA board, committee chairs, and many volunteers. I cannot thank you enough for all of the time, energy, resources and talent you share with our students and staff. You help make Columbia a fantastic place! 

When parents volunteer at schools, it makes a big difference for the school as a whole, and for the children of the volunteers. You help create a welcome and supporting environment, act as positive role models and student motivators. You contribute to better school attendance, improved grades and test scores, less misbehavior, better social skills, staying in school, graduating, and going on to college. When adult volunteers are present, students see that adults take school and education seriously and respect learning.

Each spring, our PTA elects a new board to serve during the following school year. While parents have expressed interest in some positions, there are still many openings:
  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Fundraising Chair
  • Website / Social Media Admin.
  • Event Coordinators

If you are interested, please contact Jaime (  

The Columbia community enjoys many activities and programs, and they take volunteer power to keep them going. There are many volunteer opportunities for next year. Some are short-term, while some span the year. There are many possibilities for many different types of volunteers. If you are interested, please contact Jaime (   

Please take some time to reconsider serving your school community in this way. Serving the school community is very rewarding; I hope you consider these opportunities!

Best regards,
Mr. Denton
Mark Your Calendars
Ramadan continues through the 30th

M, T Choir
T, Th Band
T, Th Orchestra at Endeavor
9th Daylight Savings Begins (forward 1 hour)
11th School Board Mtg.
20th at 9:30am 3rd Gr Field Trip Muk. Ferry
20th at 6:30pm PTA Movie Night
21st NO SCHOOL Teacher Work Day
25th at 6pm 5th Gr. Family Nights
25th School Board Mtg.
27th Report Cards Sent Home
27th at 3:45pm PTA General Mtg
31st-4th PTA Celebrates Classified Staff
31st PTA Staff Breakfast (pastries & coffee)
April 2nd, 3rd Classroom Group Photos

You will find our printable school district calendar by going to the district website.
PAWS Awards
Gold Tropy on Black Background
Congratulations to all of our winners:
  • LA: Isaiah A, Julianna L, Elias B, Aaradhya S, Theo S, Aiden L, Seku K, Aasser F
  • K: Ruth M, Andrii L, Noah D, Clementine P, Sophia P, Benjamin G, Khloee J, Qitian L
  • 1st: Theo S, Charlotte S, Lukas N, Maya D, Rylan M, Skylar C
  • 2nd: Joseph A, Matteo H, Eli S, Ryan D, Ezra L, Teighan S, Esther K, Rayan R
  • 3rd: Jack K, Ginny P, Ella G, Bennett S, Ada G, Elon R-C, Vince O, Brianna T
  • 4th: Gemma A, Soren L, Elle C, Amelia L, Andrew B, Nathan A, Ava R
  • 5th: Niat T, Logan E, Alex S, Sam C, Ellie K, Simon X, Maren L
Kindergarten Registration
Cartoon children standing over a kindergarten banner
Kindergarten registration for the 2025-26 school year is now open!
If you or someone you know has a child who will be five years old by Aug. 31, it’s time to register for kindergarten. Families can register online 24 hrs a day or in person at their neighborhood school between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. Learn more and register on the kindergarten registration website:
5th Grade Family Nights
Close-up illustration of an hawks's face, featuring sharp eyes and a powerful beak.
Harbour Pointe Middle School
Tuesday, March 25th
​We can't wait to meet our incoming 6th graders!
6:00PM Program Starts in the HP Gym
6:30PM - 7:00PM Explore HPMS
Take a self-guided tour of our building or visit with HP staff, PTO, and Booster parent volunteers in the Commons. Following the program, our counselors, will be available in the Commons to answer your questions.
Please consider walking, carpooling, or parking in surrounding neighborhoods or at Kamiak HS.
If you have questions, call us at 425-366-5100​
A green pirate logo with a black outline against a green and black striped background.
Olympic View Middle School
Tuesday, March 25th

Bring your 5th grader! (No siblings, please.)

Learn about classes, clubs and athletics. Meet the principal, teachers and your student’s counselor. Take a self-guided tour of our campus. Join Q & A session with current 6th graders in the library.

Questions? Email Jamie Wright:

2602 Mukilteo Speedway Mukilteo, WA 98275 (425) 366-5200
PTA Corner
Popcorn Friday - March 14th
Our next popcorn Friday is March 14th! Please sign up to help pop or handout popcorn! 
A poster advertising a free showing of the movie 'Minions' at Columbia Movie Night on March 20th, 2025.
Movie Night - March 20th
Join us in the Columbia Gym for Columbia PTA Movie Night featuring Minions! Doors open at 6:15pm, and showtime is 6:30pm. Bring a blanket for the floor and wear your coziest clothes. There will be free popcorn and $1 cash concessions (no outside food or drink).
An adult must be present for child/children to be admitted: Absolutely no drop-offs.
Spring Book Fair Volunteers Needed!
Columbia's Spring 2025 Book Fair is right around the corner! It will be held in the school Library from April 21 - 25, 2025. We will need many volunteers to make this event run smoothly. Please sign up here
A blue and white logo for a poetry contest at Columbia Elementary School, featuring a child reading a book with a heart above their head.
Poetry By Heart
Register now for Columbia's Poetry-By-Heart Contest!
This is a great opportunity for students to practice public speaking and challenge themselves to memorize a poem. This year's contest will take place on May 1st and 2nd. Students will be judged on poise, presentation, and memorization. All participants will receive a prize.
For more information and poem selections for each grade please visit our Poetry By Heart PTA page.
Deadline to register is April 13, 2025
Want to be part of the PTA for 2025-2026?
We're looking for people to fill the following positions: 
President, Treasurer, Fundraising Chair, Website Administrator and various Committe Chairs.
Please email Jaime if you are interested in learning more! .
Year Book Information
2024-2025 School Yearbooks are on sale now through March 31, 2025.

To order school yearbooks:
  • Click on the link to order.
  • Parents can order for more than one student on the same order.
  • You will receive an email confirmation of your order.
  • Yearbooks will be delivered to school in June. 
If you have any questions about ordering, please contact KIDS Photography at 425-954-8762 or
Contact information
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us at (425) 366-2600.

Principal: Bruce Denton
Admin Assistant: Kelli Arends
24 hour Attendance (425) 366-2605
Click Here for Columbia Website
Click Here to Join Our PTA
Pre-Arranged Absence Form
Mukilteo School District logo Blue and White light house
Mukilteo School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Civil Rights Coordinator and Title IX Coordinator Simone Neal (425-356-1244),, Section 504 Coordinator Becca Anderson (425-356-1277),, and the ADA/Access Coordinator Karen Mooseker (425-356-1330), Address: 9401 Sharon Drive in Everett, WA. Inquiries regarding ADA/Access issues at Sno-Isle TECH Skills Center should be directed to Wes Allen, Director (425-348-2220) Address: 9001 Airport Road in Everett, WA 98204.